Ticket Refund Information for Earth, Wind and Fire Concert and Diane Schuur Performance.
Thank you for purchasing tickets to the Reno Jazz Orchestra’s concerts. Although our live shows in July and August have been cancelled, rest assured our passion for keeping jazz alive and thriving throughout Northern Nevada is still very much alive.
Ticket holders have the following options for tickets to performances cancelled due to Covid-19.
Donate: The first option is the opportunity to donate the cost of your tickets to the Reno Jazz Orchestra. With your support, we will continue to keep our performances and student music education programs moving forward through these critically challenging times. Your donation is fully tax deductible and very much appreciated.
Refund: The second option is to request a full refund. Note that the check will be mailed to the address you enter in the survey form below and may take until the end of June to process.
YOUR ACTION IS REQUIRED: Please click here and complete the very short survey by June 10, 2020 to confirm your desired direction for a donation or refund. The refund process is active through June 30, 2020. Any ticket cost that is not directed to be assigned as a refund or donation will be allotted to our non-profit organization.
On behalf of the entire Reno Jazz Orchestra, we appreciate your continued support and understanding. We will continue to keep you informed about our 2020 concert season... and when the time is right The Show Will Go On!
Chuck Reider
Executive & Music Director
Lee Koch
Marketing and Development Director
P.S. Please be sure to click on the link above to process your donation or refund. For questions, please reach out to Lee Koch at any time through the email noted above.
Note: Tickets for the Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival are not sold through the Reno Jazz Orchestra. Credits & Exchanges are not available.